"Alien Artefact" by Phil Simpson is a thrilling science fiction novel that delves into the discovery of an extraterrestrial object with mysterious powers. The story follows a diverse team of...
Thomas C. Schelling's seminal work, "Arms and Influence," delves into the strategic dynamics of military power and diplomacy, emphasizing the role of threats and bargaining in international relations. With a...
"Black Like Me" is a compelling and transformative memoir by John Howard Griffin, documenting his journey through the racially segregated American South in the late 1950s. Griffin, a white journalist,...
"Cloud Computing Security Foundations And Challenges Second Edition by John R. Vacca offers a comprehensive overview of the essential principles, practices, and challenges associated with securing cloud-based systems. In this...
"Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 8th Edition" by William Stallings offers a comprehensive exploration of the intricate realms of cryptography and network security, catering to both novice learners...